Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Type 2 Diabetes - Four Exercise Swaps You Should Make to Improve Your Results

Dozens of studies indicate as rates of Type 2 diabetes and obesity continue to increase, exercise continues to be a fundamental form of therapy. Exercise, except in people who have injuries or severe health problems such as advanced heart disease, is always beneficial no matter what level you can manage. But as you go about your workout routine, it's important you pay attention to the exercises you are choosing to do. Are they most beneficial for ongoing fat burning results? Could they be holding you back from seeing the success you truly want?

Type 2 Diabetes - Four Exercise Swaps You Should Make to Improve Your Results Type 2 Diabetes - Four Exercise Swaps You Should Make to Improve Your Results
By Beverleigh H Piepers
Dozens of studies indicate as rates of Type 2 diabetes and obesity continue to increase, exercise continues to be a fundamental form of therapy. Exercise, except in people who have injuries or severe health problems such as advanced heart disease, is always beneficial no matter what level you can manage.
But as you go about your workout routine, it's important you pay attention to the exercises you are choosing to do. Are they most beneficial for ongoing fat burning results? Could they be holding you back from seeing the success you truly want?
Many exercises do in fact. While don't get me wrong, any exercise is better than no exercise, if you're going to be in the gym anyway, you'll want to be making the most of that time.
Let's go over four exercise swaps you should consider...
1. Swap Front Crunch For Lying Leg Raise. The front crunch is a commonly performed move for working the core muscles, but what most people don't realize is it actually does very little to get those abs fully contracting. You move through such a small range of motion it really doesn't benefit you all that much.
A better option? The lying leg raise. This one has you moving through a much larger range of motion, therefore producing better benefits.
2. Swap Jogging For Uphill Walking. Next, if you're currently jogging as your primary form of cardio, you may want to reconsider this one as well. Jogging is hard on the knees and unless you are sure your knees are 100% fine, you're better off minimizing that cardio activity.
Try uphill walking instead. This one is less impact and will provide some additional resistance for the lower body, making it a far more effective form of cardio.
3. Swap Leg Extensions For Lunges. Leg extensions might seem like a great choice for working the quads extensively, but they still aren't the most optimal lower body move to be doing.
Try lunges instead. This one will work the quads just as much but in addition to that, will also hit the hamstrings, core, and glutes as well. It's a win-win for total lower body strengthening.
4. Swap Tricep Dips For Push-Ups. Finally, while tricep dips can be good to bring out that definition under the arm, they aren't maximally effective. Since they only work one muscle group, this makes them a very isolated exercise.
A better bet? Push-ups. Push-ups are great because they'll hit the chest, triceps, as well as the biceps, giving you greater overall strength.
So there you have the main points to know and remember regarding your exercise selection. Choose these more often and you can prepare to see far superior results from your exercise program.
If you are committed to your exercise program, your blood sugar will come down.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Beverleigh_H_Piepers

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