By Rahul G
A Diabetic diet menu is all about eating a balanced controlled diet which allow the body to help and manage the problem as well as provide Nutrition. By following a strict diet menu one can control Diabetes to a certain extent.
People often get confused about what should be included in a health diet. Please find below certain suggestions -
1. Avoid Fried and Oily Stuff - First of all, Diabetic patients should avoid fried and oily stuff. Instead, they should put more emphasis on skimmed milk. They even can have few pieces of home made cheese in the breakfast. They must also avoid starchy white foods such as white bread, potatoes, rice pastas etc.
2. Focus on Green Vegetables - It is recommended that one should consume more green vegetables like cabbage, green beans,spinach etc. Also, tomatoes can be included in the Diabetic diet Menu plan. Black gram flour and its gravies are also considered very nutritious and good for health.
3. Recommended Vegetable and Fruit Juice -The juice of bittergourd is rich in minerals and vitamins. It can do wonders to improve hypertension and other complications. The best time to take this juice is right in the morning. Also, two chunks of garlic to chew with the help of little water is similar to a juice. Curd helps better functioning of pancreas.
4. Fenugreek in Water - One more thing you can include in the Diabetic Diet Menu is to soak half tea spoon of fenugreek seeds in the night and then drink this water in the morning. This will control the blood sugar level. Last, but not the least make a good routine of going for a walk. Do light exercise and meditation. Don't take stress. Though this is not a part of Diabetic Diet Menu, but it should be included in daily routine.
Diabetic Diet Menu Plan []
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