By Varadharajan R
Though diabetic sugar is an endocrine disorder in general, there are different types of diabetes mellitus called type 1 and type 2. Away from what causes type 2 diabetes or the other, these two are basically concerned with insulin secretion and insulin function. However, the two types are of different characteristics. Type 1diabetes is a case where the pancreas is not potent enough for insulin production needed to the body. On the other hand, diabetes type 2 is characterized by an inability of insulin to convert blood glucose into energy for regenerating the body despite sufficient insulin production. In other words, the insulin does not control blood sugar levels as required.
Away from these two, there are two more types concerned with pregnancy which is identified as Gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is an exclusive type in the sense that the diabetic condition is affecting the body just during pregnancy period from conception to delivery. The other one is the juvenile diabetes which affects children. Yet, most of the cases have reference to insulin resistance diabetes.
Common signs and symptoms of diabetes:
With different types, insulin diabetes is associated to different symptoms which comprise triple -P syndrome. The first P refers to Polyurea due to which the diabetic patient suffers from frequent urination - several times in short intervals to his or her nuisance. The second P stands for Polidypsia, a diabetic condition of feeling excessive thirst for drinking water at frequent intervals to his displeasure. And the third P represents polyphagia, a condition of diabetes with increased hunger and frequent eating very soon after a meal.
In addition to these, there are other common symptoms like excessive sweating, excessive fatigue, lack of vigor or stamina, and unwarranted body weight loss. When there is no proper control of blood glucose level, there will be tingling sensation in the feet and hands. Sometimes external skin irritation is felt as a sign of uncontrolled sugar in the blood stream. At times it also tells upon the immunity power of the patient. It is known to all that a loss of immunity power can give any bad consequences. Lack of immune system is specifically followed by candidal or fungal infections. Fungal infections and other bodily wounds should be properly treated. If you ignore this symptom, the healing process of wounds will be slowed down or badly affected to the level of the wounds not at all being healed. Another most common symptom is blurring of vision with dots and lines.
With good knowledge of signs and symptoms of diabetes, controlling blood sugar is an art. Whatever medication you take, you will be highly safe with an additional knowledge of Diabetic Foods to Eat AND Diabetes Foods to Avoid to lower blood sugar and control diabetes.
Varadharajan R is the author of this article. This article cannot be used for reprint on your website unless all the links in the article are complete and active.
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