Sunday, August 24, 2014

How Much Water Should A Diabetic Drink?
Does drinking water helps in cases of diabetes as well? Diabetes is known as an anomaly in which the body doesn't respond properly or doesn't produce enough insulin necessary to regulate the sugar levels within the body. This results in high concentrations of glucose within blood. Consequently, it determines sugar to spill into the urine and leads to frequent urination and dehydration.

How Much Water Should A Diabetic Drink? How Much Water Should A Diabetic Drink?
By Adam Christin
Since childhood we have heard the story of the life-giving water of youth without old age and life without death. The nutritionists all recommend drinking a minimum of two liters of water per day. More than 60% of the total human body composition is water. Hydration with water seems to be not only beneficial but a critical element for the general optimal health. Doctors say water is involved in digestion, temperature regulation and it helps eliminating toxins.
Does drinking water helps in case of diabetes as well? Diabetes is known as an anomaly in which the body doesn't respond properly or doesn't produce enough insulin necessary to regulate the sugar levels within the body. This results in high concentrations of glucose within blood. Consequently, it determines sugar to spill into the urine and leads to frequent urination and dehydration.
Any internal system in our body and each process is fluid dependent. Human body is more than 60% water and this fluid balance should be permanently maintained in order to ensure the optimal function of the organism. In case of diabetes water has a multiple role. It helps the pancreas to produce the insulin which has the role to regulate blood sugar levels. Because is has no calories, doesn't contain fat or cholesterol and is low in sodium water is the single element which doesn't determine blood sugar to rise. Contrary, it helps diluting significant parts of sugar in the blood. Drinking more water also helps kidneys rapidly remove from the body the toxins, which is an essential process and very beneficial to people with diabetes. It is known as well the fact that drinking water and salty food help the kidneys to retain fluid, lowering the process of dehydration.
Concluding, it is necessary to understand that even if hydration is not the direct remedy for diabetes it balances the fluid balance in the organism and helps the adequate function of the internal processes.
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