Sunday, August 24, 2014

Type 2 Diabetes - Three Easy Ways To Cut Back On Carbs to Help Lower Blood Sugar and Body Weight
If you can manage it, a reduction of 5 to 10% in body weight will make your Type 2 diabetes substantially easier to manage - reducing your HbA1c by 1 and 2% on average. If you're able to follow a lower carbohydrate diet plan, the results in terms of reduction in insulin resistance, improvements in blood sugar levels, and other problems linked to excess weight such as high blood pressure, can be spectacular. So, if you're looking to start up on a lower carb diet plan, one thing you may be taking into account is how you can satisfy your cravings, without sacrificing taste.

Type 2 Diabetes - Three Easy Ways To Cut Back On Carbs to Help Lower Blood Sugar and Body Weight Type 2 Diabetes - Three Easy Ways To Cut Back On Carbs to Help Lower Blood Sugar and Body Weight
By Beverleigh H Piepers
If you can manage it, a reduction of 5 to 10% in body weight will make your Type 2 diabetes substantially easier to manage, reducing your HbA1c by 1 and 2% on average. If you are able to follow a lower carbohydrate diet plan, the results in terms of...
  • reduction in insulin resistance,
  • improvements in blood sugar levels, and
  • other problems linked to excess weight such as high blood pressure,

can be spectacular.
So, if you're looking to start on a lower carb diet plan, one thing you may be taking into account is how you can satisfy your cravings, without sacrificing taste.
Far too many people think low carbohydrate dieting has to mean nothing but meat and vegetables, and while those are the two primary foods you will be eating on this plan, those are not the only foods you can eat.
Here are a few ways to cut back on carbs - without sacrificing some of your favorite dishes...
1. Use Spaghetti Squash For Pasta. First, consider swapping out your normal pasta for some spaghetti squash instead. If you crave the taste of pasta day in and day out, this will easily satisfy those taste buds.
Spaghetti squash is slightly higher in carbs than other vegetables, but still low enough that it should easily be able to fit on any lower carbohydrate diet plan.
Cover it with some low sodium tomato sauce - rather than alfredo - to keep the health content in check.
2. Make An Almond Flour Pizza Crust. Next up, also consider preparing an almond flour pizza crust. Almond flour can be used in many of your favorite recipes to replace regular whole wheat flour, so is an excellent substitute that will keep your diet and stable blood sugar on track.
Then top the pizza with lean proteins, vegetables, and some lower fat cheese for added calcium and you'll be all set with a well-balanced meal.
Note the almond flour will increase the total fat content of this meal, so it is something to keep in mind. Make sure you balance out the other meals in the plan to accommodate.
3. Replace Berries For Bananas In Smoothies. Finally, if you're missing out on the protein smoothie you always started your day with since you can no longer have that frozen banana, not to fear, you can still enjoy the delicious taste of the smoothie with some berries instead.
While berries do contain some carbs, they contain far less than a banana and will still give your drink the same icy texture you enjoy.
So there you have some smart strategies to remember if you are aiming to lower your carbohydrate intake and see success on your low carb and fat burning plan. It really doesn't need to be as challenging as you may have believed as long as you put into place some smart strategies.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn't in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
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