Monday, August 25, 2014

Symptoms of Diabetes During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of any women's life. Diabetes during pregnancy is also called gestational diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes During Pregnancy Symptoms of Diabetes During Pregnancy
By Jacky Smith
Pregnancy is the most beautiful phase of any women life. In this phase, they tend to more careful towards their health. It is essential to be careful during pregnancy, as it affects the health of your unborn child. The health of unborn child is wholly in the hands of a mother. She has to regulate and maintain good health for a healthy child.
Sometimes due to certain deficiency, women might face difficulties during their pregnancy. But this has to be regulated in terms of health. Many times, they even face some unexpected disease such as diabetes. Diabetes during pregnancy is also called as gestational diabetes. It occurs in non-diabetic women during her pregnancy period. In gestational diabetes, the woman generates sufficient amount of insulin, but it is clogged due to several hormones such as estrogen, cortisol, prolactin, and progesterone. Diabetes during pregnancy is generally caused as; the body does not absorb glucose. Thus, insufficient supply of glucose might affect the health of baby and mother.
As, there are no specific symptoms of diabetes or diagnosis for diabetes during pregnancy, it can be detected during screening. Every mother develops resistance to insulin during pregnancy but few of her suffers from temporary diabetes. Even though, if there are no specific symptoms of diabetes during pregnancy; you may get warning signs through the classic symptoms. The symptoms of diabetes are mentioned below:
Excessive thirst
Faint vision
Frequent urination
Unexpected hunger
Extreme tiredness
Well, even though diabetes is common during pregnancy, it can affect people who fall under certain category like:
Age above twenty-five
Women who smoke
Family history for diabetes
Women belonging to minority group of ethnic
History of prenatal birth
Previous history of large baby.
Pregnancy during diabetes is treated naturally during the birth of child. But it is anytime better to utilize some safe method to cure diabetes. It can be treated with proper diet, adequate sleep, and regular exercise. Diabetes is easy to manage throughout pregnancy until you follow the rules and restriction seriously:
Quit smoking and consuming alcohol
Drink plenty of water and fresh juice of green vegetables and bright colored fruits
Include lot of green vegetables and fruits in your diet
Instead of grabbing two heavy meals, divide your meal portions into five and eat at short intervals
Consume the supplements of folate
Adapt some regular light exercise which includes walking, yoga, aerobics, etc,.
Have a proper intake of fats in your diet.
Avoid excessive use of salt
Keep a record of your daily check up and if you find any indication, then immediately consult your gynecologist.
Know More About Diabetes symptoms
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